NBL Natural Super Collagen with Vitamin C, Collagen Peptides Types 1 & 3 for, 6000MG – 250 Tablets

89.00 AED

  • Can provide some of the necessary building blocks for collagen production
  • Includes vitamin c to boost your cellular health
  • Supports healthy skin, hair and nails, making you look and feel radiantly beautiful from the inside out
  • Helps support healthy joints while vitamin c helps support your cellular health
(100 customer reviews)

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NBL Natural Super Collagen with Vitamin C, Collagen Peptides Types 1 & 3 for, 6000MG - 250 Tablets 89.00 AED

Collagen Positive Aging Supplement

Collagen is the primary structural component for all tissue in the body. By age 25, collagen’s production slows at a rate of 1.5% per year. This reduction in collagen contributes to weaker bones, dull and dry skin, joint pain, brittle hair and fragile nails.

Regenerating and forming new tissue is the key benefit of adding collagen to your diet! Our unique formula for beauty includes Vitamin C. Each ingredient works perfectly together to help you build, maintain and recover collagen naturally.

Collagen Supplements support dermal repair booster for your face and body. Hydrolyzed collagen may help clear your skin of acne while supporting advanced hair growth, gut health, skin tightening, plus metabolism.

100 reviews for NBL Natural Super Collagen with Vitamin C, Collagen Peptides Types 1 & 3 for, 6000MG – 250 Tablets

  1. H***** c******** c******* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Healthy hair and skin gives me confidence. Wow!

    My hair iis no longer falling. My skin is radiant and the pain in my knew has vanished.
    Only thing you have to take 6 tablets at one time. But the results are visible and awesome 👌

    Helpful? 0 0
  2. W*** p******** g**** v**** f** m**** a* t*** a** m*** t******* o******** h****** f** p******* i***** s**** i** m* f**** t*** t* u** t*** p****** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Loving it, and trusting the process

    Odourles, great value for money since it’s lots of tablets, well packaged, hoping for positive impact

    Helpful? 0 0
  3. J**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Qualified Product

    Packing and the tablets inside seems to be qualified.Pricing is also cost effective for 250 tabs.Would purchase again if the brand maintains the quality.

    Helpful? 0 0
  4. N*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great product

    Perfect for my hair and skin! I always purchase this supplement and always will

    Helpful? 0 0
  5. U************ (verified owner)

    1.0 out of 5 stars I cnot use too much not good

    Waste money

    Helpful? 0 0
  6. A**** b**** (verified owner)

    1.0 out of 5 stars Bad

    It’s nolonger working this is my fourth tin but very little change imagine after almost eight months, those who comment that it’s very good they are just being bribed by the promised gift, am so disappointed 😞

    Helpful? 0 0
  7. A************ (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Review after 6 months. Happy with the product.

    It’s s been 6months since I started using it. I had a lot of hair fall and joint pain.
    Now I feel a bit more confident as my hair fall has reduced and my joint issues has improved.
    My face too looks fresh with few wrinkles.
    Great product to slow down our aging process Highly recommended.

    Helpful? 0 0
  8. M*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Very good

    I try it and is good one
    I am happy customer.

    Helpful? 0 0
  9. F**** A** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars كولجين معزز كبسولات

    كبسولات كولجين نوعي 1و3 بالإضافة إلى فيتامين C خلطة رائعه لتعزيز جهاز المناعه وتقوية الشعر والجلد والاظافر بالإضافة إلى دعم وتقوية العظام وجدته الأفضل بين مجموعه كبيرة كانت على شكل بودرة او نوع واحد فقط لدعم العظام او دعم الشعر والجلد واااطافر محتويات طبيعية وحلال وتخلو من المواد المخالفه للشرع انصح بها بصراحه للجنسين لمن هم فوق الأربعين لتقوية الجسم بشكل كامل مع الغذاء الصحي.

    Helpful? 0 0
  10. K***** M******* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Useful and necessary

    I like this product because it helps me with some hair problems that I have and I will continue buying it.

    Helpful? 0 0
  11. A*** W***** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars NBL Natural Super Collagen with Vitamin C

    I have been using this product for more than a year now and I can see that my hairfall has reduced and my skin textured has improved.

    Helpful? 0 0
  12. M******* S***** H****** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent started working after one week

    I was looking to get some good collagen and this one is the best . Very affordable and very good quality. And it has vitamine C as well which is very good for immunity. Overall satisfied with the purchase

    Helpful? 0 0
  13. D***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome

    The product is well research. The results was amazing. I will definitely recommend this product to my friends.

    Helpful? 0 0
  14. S******* K* (verified owner)

    1.0 out of 5 stars Poor Quality

    I have used 3 bottles so far. Purchased the first one, the bottle cap was broken on arrival. They force customers to write a review and send you a second bottle FOC, even that had a cap issue. Purchased another bottle recently that too had the same flimsy cap. All the positive reviews are given by customers who are given FOC bottle.

    Helpful? 0 0
  15. R****** D* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Highly Recommend Buying This

    Excellent collagen supplement! Noticeable improvements in skin, hair, and joint health. Highly recommend for overall wellness.

    Helpful? 0 0
  16. L***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Worth of buying

    It is really worth it to purchase. Affordable yet it contains the main Collagen combinations with Vitamin C as per the recommendations from medical professionals.

    Helpful? 0 0
  17. A***** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Super Collagen+C

    I can say that this product is really worth it to purchase. Very affordable yet it had two ingredients that you need already just in one product.. you can save and you can have both of the benefits in one bottle. Given that the quantity of the tablets in a bottle for its price is really commendable. Hope this product will help me and surely I will repurchase again.

    Helpful? 0 0
  18. S**** k*** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Great results !! 👍🏻

    I’m someone who fears aging so those collagen tablets are GREAT for that 😍😍😍
    I can already feel how my skin is getting healthier & my nails are getting longer in no time 👌🏻👌🏻.

    Helpful? 0 0
  19. أ** أ* أ**** ت***** ا******** م* N** s**** c******* ح** أ*** ل* ت** ت***** ا***** م** ف** م*** غ**** ر*** و**** ح** أ** ي**** ع** ا******** و******* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars NBL super collagen مكمل غذائي رائع ومفيد للغاية لصحة البشرة والشعر والأظافر

    هذا المنتج رائع ومفيد حيث اشتريته من قبل وهذه هي المرة الثانية حيث يحتوي على الكولاجين وفيتامين سي الذي يعزز صحة البشرة والشعر والأظافر ومهم لصحتهم وفيتامين سي يساعد على امتصاص الكولاجين ومضاد للاكسدةً وبعد استدامه لبضعة أسابيع لاحظت تحسنا في صحة بشرتي ونمو شعري وصحة أطافري وهو منتج سهل الاستخدام تكفي حبة يوميا وخالي من المواد الصناعية مما يجعله صحيا وآمنا وأوصي بخ أي شخص يبحث عن صحة وجمال البشرة والشعر والأظافر

    Helpful? 0 0
  20. M******* &****** M***** s**** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars It's great

    I love it really

    Helpful? 0 0
  21. S**** N* (verified owner)

    3.0 out of 5 stars Hard to swallow

    Was using another brand and could finish them on time. These were quite hard to swallow as I could feel them press down my throat.

    Helpful? 0 0
  22. Z********* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars A must have vitamin supplements from a trusted Brand

    Been a frequent buyer for this and keeps getting better. Highly recommended.

    Helpful? 0 0
  23. E*** E****** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect combination of ingredients

    I’ve been using for 3 years now and i got very good effect on my body.Everything i required is in this product.It makes me feel complete everyday!

    Helpful? 0 0
  24. A***** C******* (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Great supplement for daily routine.

    This is a highly recommended collagen medication!! From all the collagen i have ever tried, it is the most effective! Cost and delivery service are also very good.

    Helpful? 0 0
  25. P***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars NBL super collagen+ vit c

    Really good product if you looking for health and beauty,its work.

    Helpful? 0 0
  26. m**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good product

    As per description and expectation

    Helpful? 0 0
  27. I** b*** u**** c******* s**** l*** y*** ,*** w*** I t**** t*** o** I l**** i* s* m*** a** V*** e******** a***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars NBL so good

    I like it so much and enjoy very much taking this product … Very good and well job

    Helpful? 0 0
  28. r*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars NBL Collagen

    Amazing product thanks I the third time I purchase this product and will never replace it with anything else

    Helpful? 0 0
  29. I a* D** A***** a S******** I b***** a S**** C******* + V****** C p****** f*** t** w********* c****** N** a**** I l*** m* h*** a** t** l***** o* m* s*** a* a r***** o* t** w** i* S**** a** p********* S**** C******* r******* t** l*** a** s******* i* l*** t (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars سوبر كولاجين منتج طبيعي وفعال جدا على الشعر والبشرة

    الشئ الذي اعجبني بسوبر كولاجين انة مكون من مواد طبيعية وموجودة داخل جسم الإنسان مع التقدم في العمر جسمنا لايستطيع انتاج مادة الكولاجين مما يؤدي إلى تساقط وتلف الشعر لذلك منتج سوبر كولاجين يعيد للشعر صحتة ونعومتة ويعيد للبشرة نضارتها شبابها
    ومنتج سوبر كولاجين أمن جدا لكل الأعمار للحوامل والمرضعات لذلك انا استخدم سوبر كولاجين لاني فقدت صحة شعري ورونق بشرتي مع الحرب واثار الحمل والرضاعة

    Helpful? 0 0
  30. T*** i* m* f**** t*** t* t** t*** s**** c********* a** I c** s** t*** t*** p****** i* a****** f** m* s**** n**** , h*** a** i* h**** y** f*** m*** e********* I w*** r******** t*** p****** t* m* f******* T** v**** i* s* g**** t*** y** c** a*** g** i* d**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Worthy product

    Super collagen-c is amazing for me as it helps me to feel energized, my nails, hair and skin are really good. I’ve been using this product for 2 months now and I will recommend this to my friends. It’s so affordable.

    Helpful? 0 0
  31. M***** T* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars NBL is a very good brand

    I really like this product from NBL.

    Helpful? 0 0
  32. A** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars .

    Good brand

    Helpful? 0 0
  33. M***** B* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars For Glowing Skin

    I’ve been using different brand of collagen in past month, but its not effective, then my friend recomend me this brand NBL Natural Collagen, for only 2 weeks my skin glows and all my wrinkles are gone. I highly recomend this product.

    Helpful? 0 0
  34. F**** A** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome......

    Boosts immune system and enhances collagen production best product in this category with a very reasonable price too. Nice…

    Helpful? 0 0
  35. z**** a*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars One of the best collagen in the market

    Very good quality , affordable price

    Helpful? 0 0
  36. A***** p****** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Free 1 more

    Use for my hair and joint

    Helpful? 0 0
  37. M******* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars It's so cheap compare to others

    It’s been a year since the time I’m taking other brand of collagen and it’s quite expensive. Then I saw the NBL super collagen-C why not give a try, not so pricey and the effect on my skin is much better than other one.
    Surely will keep on buying this supplement 🙂

    Helpful? 0 0
  38. H***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good Product

    I like the product after short start use of it

    Helpful? 0 0
  39. A** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Value for Money

    Using it from last week and so far seems good… Feeling a little difference in my skin. I am sure will make a difference by time.

    Helpful? 0 0
  40. I***** K******** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect product

    Very help full good product amazing i like it 5/5

    Helpful? 0 0
  41. S**** M* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Very satisfied

    I’ve noticed an improvement in the strength and growth of my hair and nails. My hair feels thicker and healthier and my nails are less prone to breaking. Totally recommend it.Great value for money.

    Helpful? 0 0
  42. G***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good product

    I m very happy with this product buying second time

    Helpful? 0 0
  43. J*** p******* (verified owner)

    3.0 out of 5 stars Super collagen +c

    I finally got mine❣️
    I hope this product help me to gain my selfconfidence again

    Helpful? 0 0
  44. P***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Highly Recommended Collagen Tablets

    A very good product of Collagen tablets. Delivery was done on time as scheduled.
    I have no hesitation to recommend this product.

    Helpful? 0 0
  45. N****** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good product

    I can see a big difference in my skin color

    Helpful? 0 0
  46. b*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars great product

    must try

    Helpful? 0 0
  47. H*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Benefits

    To help my skin. nails. And hair with collagen

    Helpful? 0 0
  48. M***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Highly recommend collagen+c supplement for clear skin and joint pain.

    I bought this supplement because i went to check my collagen and it was lower than expected, felt knee pain occasionally, my eyes hurt and dull skin. I noticed some changes on my skin, eyes and joint pain is less. It’s been a week so far and I am hoping for the best out it. Thank you

    Helpful? 0 0
  49. J***** P***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Satisfied

    I m very happy with this product buying second time ,I have problem with my knee and this product helped me to recover,very good for skin hair and nails as well🥳

    Helpful? 0 0
  50. r**** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars *


    Helpful? 0 0
  51. M******* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars After using NBL Collagen during 3 weeks we noticed visible results on face skin.

    The product I recommend and we will purchase it again. After 3 weeks of using the skin looks more healthy, bright and shine.

    Helpful? 0 0
  52. I h***** r******** t*** p******* I* w*** h*** o** b*** e********* o** s**** h**** n*** a** j****** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Super collagen+ c

    I like this product for my hair, skin , nail and joint.

    Helpful? 0 0
  53. A****** P****** f** a v*** E********* P***** G* f** i* 👍 (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome

    Amazing Product for a very Economical Price 👍

    Helpful? 0 0
  54. M******* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars ممتاز

    عبوة كبيرة وممتاز جدا وليس له اي مضاعفات

    Helpful? 0 0
  55. R**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Value for Money

    Bought after reading huge positive comments. Value for money.

    Helpful? 0 0
  56. S**** A* J****** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent

    Excellent product and value for money

    Helpful? 0 0
  57. T***** S***** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Good quality for the price

    I have been consuming Collagen and this is the first time I have purchased and try this brand. Affordable and result is good. I will definitely purchase again.

    Helpful? 0 0
  58. s************** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good quality at a good price

    This is the first time I have purchased this product. I have been consuming Collagen due to my join problem for a long time. It is a good price for the number of capsules and quality. Fast delivery. I will definitely purchase a gain.

    Helpful? 0 0
  59. e******** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Effective

    In less than a month and its effects appeared. Very good product

    Helpful? 0 0
  60. M**** a****** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good value for money

    Good value for money, good results in hair and joints after 2 weeks

    Helpful? 0 0
  61. A*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Best collagen supplement

    This is the best collagen supplement for me among all other products that i had tried before. Be consistent and follow the instruction on how to consume it then you will see the result in few weeks. 🙂

    Helpful? 0 0
  62. M**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars GOOD PRODUCT

    It is a fast product that I bought several times. The results are positive. Since I used it, I recommend it because it stops hair loss, strengthens nails, and makes the skin more fresh.

    Helpful? 0 0
  63. C***** F* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars One of the best Collagen products in UAE

    So far so good me and my mom is using this product quite sometime.My mom is taking care of my 4 months old baby she doesn’t have enough sleep and looked tired everyday,I’ve noticed her skin is glowing and despite of not having proper sleep she still look fresh since she is taking this vitamins.Very effective for me and my mom.

    Helpful? 0 0
  64. S*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars جيدة

    استخدمتها لمدة لكن مااشعر بفرق او تحسن

    Helpful? 0 0
  65. m***** k****** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Effects

    It works well, for us after 2~3 weeks taking 3 tablets/day affects the hair and nail visibly, compare to other brands it is economic because of the amount and quantity. Be noted please :The mentioned dosage is just a personal experience and it is not an advice of dosage

    Helpful? 0 0
  66. A*** T***** (verified owner)

    3.0 out of 5 stars No


    Helpful? 0 0
  67. B*** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Good product

    Good product great value money wise and quality wise

    Helpful? 0 0
  68. D*** F* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Super Collagen + C

    This is the best supplement for having a healthy hair, nails and immune system. Its my second time buying this product and it gives good effects on my body. I’ll be continuing to use this as my main supplement.

    Helpful? 0 0
  69. s******* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good product

    Good product with affordable price.

    Helpful? 0 0
  70. a**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Dubai

    Very nice Nd useful product make my hair stronger and make my skin better, I like this brand NBL natural

    Helpful? 0 0
  71. A***** A****** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Very recommended

    Very good product , effective and recommended .

    Helpful? 0 0
  72. R**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars It's changes my hair texture.... I love it...

    I used this product for my skin and hairs….. I am taking this continue serious…. It’s awesome… I feel difference…. I love it

    Helpful? 0 0
  73. ه** ح**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Like it very mush

    I like very much
    don’t know how to Express my happiness,
    🙂 thanku NBL

    Helpful? 0 0
  74. j* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars good price and good product

    good price and good product
    Product is excellent and reasonably priced. This is the best dietary supplement I’ve ever used

    Helpful? 0 0
  75. R*** A*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars It is very healthy

    It is good for skin and hair and nail .

    Helpful? 0 0
  76. l*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars It works!!!

    I’ve used hair and nail vitamins before but never had such a visible difference as I did with this product. High quality Collagen. The capsules are not that large. Make sure to take them consistently and as prescribed! You will not regret buying this collagen supplement!

    Helpful? 0 0
  77. E***** M******* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars High Quality products and affordable

    I love these product, A++ for the value for money. Effective and affordable

    Helpful? 0 0
  78. M***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Very worth it!!

    Product is excellent and reasonably priced. This is the best dietary supplement I’ve ever used, it has so many different nutrients that you’ll be amazed. Really worthwhile ; excellent!

    Helpful? 0 0
  79. S******* B**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good product

    Its help to improve my skin and hair problems thanks

    Helpful? 0 0
  80. B**** R**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Very good product

    I like very much bcz it’s very good for skin and hair I surprised the visible changes for me after taking the tablet,this is my 5 th bottle,I don’t know how to Express my happiness, thanku NBL

    Helpful? 0 0
  81. h**** r***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good

    Purchased in Dubai, came quickly. I already notice a difference after 1 day. I take 1 pill, 1000mg only. Great value!

    Helpful? 0 0
  82. f**** a**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars جيد جدا

    منتج رائع مفيد للبشرة والشعر انصح بالشراء وسعره مناسب

    Helpful? 0 0
  83. L** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars I love it

    Highly recommend, it’s effective and makes my skin smooth. I will surely order again.

    Helpful? 0 0
  84. K*** K** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good

    “Thank u for the speedy delivery. I have started eating the tablets. Hoping for the best results”

    Helpful? 0 0
  85. H**** O**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good for skin

    My skin is glowing after 1 month and my joint movement is better now .
    This supplement is very good to maintain youth

    Helpful? 0 0
  86. R***** D******* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely Satisfied

    This is my third time I ordered NBL Super Collagen + C and this product have lots of improvements in my skin, makes my skin glowing, youthful look and a great booster for my immunity.

    Helpful? 0 0
  87. B**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent

    Very good product of collagen light on stomach also very fast delivery

    Helpful? 0 0
  88. H*** s****** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Very nice

    The product is excellent, with high volume and good quality, and good service from Amazon, whose service has always been good

    Helpful? 0 0
  89. Z** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome result

    As i read in previous comments, they are big to swallow especially its mentioned you need to take 2 pills over 3 times. But the result on the skin appears after 2 days.

    Helpful? 0 0
  90. M*** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Good product

    It is a good product . It was very effective , i’ve been using it for 3months . Ill be buying again

    Helpful? 0 0
  91. J* (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Super Collagen+C

    Nice product and I Will buy again.

    Helpful? 0 0
  92. H**** d***** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars من المنتجات الرائعه للشعر والبشره لاحتواءه على الكولاجين وفيتامين c وتظهر نتائجه بسرعه خلال 3 اشابيع

    تم تجربته من قبل لانه من المنتجات الممتازة وتظهر نتائجه خلال ٣ اسابيع من الاستخدام ولابد من استخدامه لمده ٣ شهور

    Helpful? 0 0
  93. A***** C******* (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Very nice packaging and easy to swallow

    I use this for helping prevent skin ageing and prevent and treat nail brittleness and help in hair loss prevention

    Helpful? 0 0
  94. e****** b**** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great for skin and hair.

    Ive been using the collagen for almost 2yrs now and its really great on skin,hair etc.
    One thing as well is this product has a vitamin C which excites me the most.
    I cabt wait to open it and see the result.

    Helpful? 0 0
  95. M*** L***** M****** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Works wonder!!

    I call it – thw “bottle wonder” as it is packed with not just the essentials for a healthy hair, nails & glowing skin, it also boosts our immune system. Start taking now to enjoy the benefits.

    Helpful? 2 0
  96. A** (verified owner)

    3.0 out of 5 stars Pill size is too big

    The product is good and efficacy is good as well. However, the only issue I’m facing is the quantity and size of the pills to be taken daily. It’s 6 large pills, difficult to swallow firstly, and hard to remember to take all 6 everyday. It would be great if we could reduce the size or quantity of pills to be taken!

    Helpful? 0 0
  97. C******* (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Great product and fast delivery

    Great choice for collagen supplement as it also has Vitamin C, it also comes with good packaging and I received delivery on time!

    Helpful? 0 0
  98. H***** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Reduce 6 pills to one per day

    Arrived in good condition. I am currently trying out the product so I’ve yet to see any changes but I would love it if there was a way to reduce the 6 tablets required per day to just one as it is hard to remember to take the pills.

    Helpful? 0 0
  99. j** (verified owner)

    5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing Product

    Im using this product for quite sometime already and this product is awesome.

    NBL will make you feel younger and healthier.

    I have also introduced this product to my friends and relatives.

    Thank you NBL. Such an amazing product. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

    Helpful? 0 0
  100. L***** S***** (verified owner)

    4.0 out of 5 stars Trusted brand in an affordable price

    The product’s brand is known to be one of the best in UAE when in comes to dietary supplements. Its contents are 250 tablets in an affordable price. It is worth buying.

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